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Saturday, November 14, 2015

                                 Holidays on Poverty Line

Well, it is barely after Halloween in the USA and perhaps some other countries celebrating one night of Pagan in Religion, but I am not going to get into that, nor am I going to get into the Consumerism of Thanksgiving and the rest of the 'fest. Now is not the time of year to speak of the "Sham the whole thing has become.

Here on the line this time of year means final crunch time. Does my heat work if I have a home? Do I have warm enough clothing, blankets and food to help me survive Winter? Did I secure a place in a shelter on time, will I be mugged/raped or rolled for what little I have? Does anyone really see me when all the tinsel is shining in their eyes and the blinking colored lights cloud their minds?"

This year for the holidays I am giving several gifts to close friends (adopted family). I can provide Unconditional Love, Gratitude, Humility and Compassion and Loyalty to help them in their struggles. What more can a person give on the holidays...or every day for that matter. That is what is most needed, and the blanket, sleeping bag you need to get rid of make a donation directly to the Ma'am/Mister begging on the corner while you are driving home. Mittens, Gloves, Old Winter boots, caps and scarves.

Oh, you may toss your spare change into that Red Bucket in front of Macy's, Target or Costco, but did you actually interact with the person some of that change may actually help. Your donation helps Administration, little gets down on Poverty Line where it is needed most.

I heard a man giving a mini-lesson on Wealth, Money and Poverty. This will be my gift to you.

"Here in the USA if you are earning $20,000-per year or anywhere else in the world for that matter. You dream about the better job, the better car, more money and unfulfilled dreams and opportunities you may have missed by poor choices. That is okay, yes, it really is.

 Somewhere in the world someone is working 18-hour days, 7-days a week for say $530-per year and they are jumping up and down and happy just to be working.

No, they may have no hopes or dreams, they don't have time for them. To then those things are like clouds in the sky, they are smoke in the wind. Those things are not real. They will evaporate and disappear into nothingness.

The only reality they have is they lived another day, their children have food, they have a roof over their heads and clean water. Those things are their Holidays, their celebrations.

 The Simple Gratitudes for what they have brings to them more than all the fancy gifts, cars and anyone could conceivably have or give.
Realign yourself every day to giving thanks for what you have and celebrate your life one moment at a time."

I think that about sums it up folks. Till next time.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Loneliness on the Line

One would think that with all the living hand to mouth and such, there is little time to pander toward Loneliness. In case you have never been a resident of "the Line", loneliness would be the furthest from your mind. Well, no one is immune and like a whole lotta other things. Loneliness and Poverty fit like a hand in a glove.

I use to be prone to blessed lows of Loneliness, than I graduated to Isolationism which goes much better than poverty than loneliness. Then giving thought I realized Isolationism is far more destructive than the run of the mill "just don't fit in". I first learned Isolation when young like most people do. As a child. However, rather than rehash Isolation, Loneliness and past ills. I would ask that you consider for a moment like I have. The Gifts of Loneliness and Isolation among life's garden.

When was the last time you spoke to a friend or acquaintance and "thanked them" for being a part of your life. What you appreciate about them, what you would like to emulate about them that you are grateful for. Oh, my stretch those 'trust' and 'good feeling' muscles. Thank someone for being a part of your life and your time. Use your Isolation and Lonely periods for reaffirming that you are 'blessed' not with a whole auditorium of adoring friends, but those few who truly "know" or have taken the time to get beneath your skin and that thick shell. The true friends that no matter what happens, they just call or show up. Despite you may be up to your bra in crocodiles, manure and enough rain clouds to have Noah hoist the sail, they just appear with shovels, a net and some Rain-Ex and stick by you no matter what kind of insanity prevails.

Those are the gifts of knowing Loneliness and Isolation. All things change, but true friendships and voluntary "family" get beyond the quarrels, grumbles and "sorry but" and know what the real value of life can be gleaned. Yes, beat your "Blues and Isolation and Loneliness" by letting your friends know you care and love them.

Even on Poverty Line, flowers grow. The lessons lie in what you notice and learn from them. I do not have many friends. The ones I do have can be counted upon 1 hand and only a few fingers. I have had them forever. They are a part of the package God blessed me with.

Thank you.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Who could b3 living in your bed?

Living the Line

Each one of us have to live. Each one of us needs to know that they are filling a place in the world, that their lives make a difference. On Poverty Line it is more than working or getting out in the world. means just getting out of bed, if you have one.
I have a bed now. I use to sleep on a slab of rug or foam mat. Going to sleep in a bed is fantastic! A real live honest to God Mattress and Box Spring! You know what ruins a bunch of your life on Poverty Line or not...Bed Bugs! 

Yes, mean, bitey, little vermin that you can get anyplace. Riding the bus, night in a hotel, even shopping. They jump from another person to you in the elevator or in a crowd. You go home. Next thing you know you are "critter-fied" and you don't even know where and how they got into your domicile, your rug, bedding and furniture. They do not go away as easily as they come in and it isn't about being a slob, clutterbug or obsessive-compulsive cleaner and controlling neat buster. However, awareness starts everywhere. 

Roaches (as in Cockroaches, not the kind you smoke) and probably Bed Bugs are left overs from the Dinosaurs and the great extinction. They survive Fire, Ice, Floods and prolonged Famine, they could survive Nuclear Winter and plagues. We should all have such longevity and adaptability as these little menaces. When things get ugly, they just hole up and go dormant until conditions are more to their liking. Oh, and they don't get charged or pay taxes. Nor are they overly concerned over foreign policy, illegal alien status or international boarding passes as fees.

Isn't is nice to know you don't need to be broke and poor, living on the line and even the wealthy can get Bed Bugs and pests. They are equal opportunity offenders.

July 2015