Living the Line
Each one of us have to live. Each one of us needs to know that they are filling a place in the world, that their lives make a difference. On Poverty Line it is more than working or getting out in the world. means just getting out of bed, if you have one.
I have a bed now. I use to sleep on a slab of rug or foam mat. Going to sleep in a bed is fantastic! A real live honest to God Mattress and Box Spring! You know what ruins a bunch of your life on Poverty Line or not...Bed Bugs!
Yes, mean, bitey, little vermin that you can get anyplace. Riding the bus, night in a hotel, even shopping. They jump from another person to you in the elevator or in a crowd. You go home. Next thing you know you are "critter-fied" and you don't even know where and how they got into your domicile, your rug, bedding and furniture. They do not go away as easily as they come in and it isn't about being a slob, clutterbug or obsessive-compulsive cleaner and controlling neat buster. However, awareness starts everywhere.
Roaches (as in Cockroaches, not the kind you smoke) and probably Bed Bugs are left overs from the Dinosaurs and the great extinction. They survive Fire, Ice, Floods and prolonged Famine, they could survive Nuclear Winter and plagues. We should all have such longevity and adaptability as these little menaces. When things get ugly, they just hole up and go dormant until conditions are more to their liking. Oh, and they don't get charged or pay taxes. Nor are they overly concerned over foreign policy, illegal alien status or international boarding passes as fees.
Isn't is nice to know you don't need to be broke and poor, living on the line and even the wealthy can get Bed Bugs and pests. They are equal opportunity offenders.
July 2015